Robin B. Tassinari, MD

Robin B. Tassinari, MD's Fundraiser

We must fight the stigma! image

We must fight the stigma!

Join me and help make a difference, please give today.

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$6,430 towards $6,500

We must fight the stigma!

Join me in supporting real change.

I am very pleased to have been asked to join NAMI this year as a NAMI NYS Champion for Mental Health. I’ve been an advocate for NAMI for many years and I thank Harriet Comfort, an early director of NAMI, for introducing me to this wonderful organization, which provides advocacy, education, support and public awareness so that all individuals and families affected by mental illness can build better lives “supported by a community that cares.”

NAMI offers psychoeducation for people living with mental illnesses, their families, community members, and professionals.

Support for NAMI is crucial given budget cuts to mental health treatment as we’ve all discovered. Also, one of the biggest challenges in the care of the mentally ill has been ‘stigma,’ of Latin origin and meaning ‘a mark of shame or discredit.’ Along with NAMI, we all must fight the stigma, and of course the ‘mask,’ which folks with mental illness use to hide their troubles and their pain due to the stigma.

Let’s support good in the world and make a difference. Help us to build a world where all those impacted by mental illness live happy, fulfilling lives supported by a community that cares.