Donate now to help us build hope for mental wellness in a world free of stigma. image

Donate now to help us build hope for mental wellness in a world free of stigma.

Help us strive to create a world where those affected by mental illness live healthy, fulfilling lives supported by a community that cares!

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Join us to create hope, recovery and wellness in a world free of stigma!

NAMI-NYS offers an array of peer education and support programs to help individuals living with mental illness and their families. NAMI-NYS offers help and a sense of community for parents, caregivers, veterans, health care providers and persons living with mental illness. NAMI-NYS provides training, curricula, materials and technical assistance to thousands of volunteer teachers, trainers and facilitators who are committed to bringing these programs into their local communities. NAMI-NYS is a pioneer in peer education, giving people affected by mental illness a place to turn to find a strong network of support and the tools to reclaim their lives.